D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | EN | 2
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
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Documentation Conventions
Type Styles Used in this Manual
To help identify important items in the text, the
following type styles are used:
Bold text
Usually indicates selections that
you might use while programming
your control panel. It can also
indicate an important fact.
Italicized text
Used to refer the user to another
part of this manual or another
manual entirely. It can also used to
symbolize names for records that
the user creates.
Courier Text
Indicates what can appear on the
Remote Programmer’s display,
command center/keypad or
internal printer.
Used to indicate that a specific key
should be pressed.
A thick border is used to indicate a
main programming entry as seen
in the Remote Programmer’s
Display. It is used as a section
heading and screen example.
Shaded boxes indicate
programmer prompts that are only
available when Custom or View
events are selected.
A dashed border indicates a sub
entry under a main programming
Tips, Notes, Cautions and Warnings
Throughout this document helpful tips and notes are
presented concerning the entire application and/or
programming the unit. They are displayed as follows:
Application Tip:
These are helpful shortcuts or reminders in
using the unit.
Application Note:
These are notes and clarifications of
different aspects of the application.
Programming Notes:
These cover notes and clarifications
specific to programming the unit.
Programming Tip:
These are helpful shortcuts or reminders for
programming the unit.
Important Notes
These notes should be heeded for
successful operation and programming.
These warn of the possibility of physical
damage to the operator, program and/or
equipment. Use this when there is an
increased risk of physical damage to the
operator (severe injury or death) or
equipment (destruction of physical
These caution the operator that physical
damage to the program and/or equipment.
Access control tip.