D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 3.0 RADXUSR1/RADXUSR2 EN | 75
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
A silence bell authority is built into all
authority levels, even if they are the default
and none of the available programmable
functions are enabled. A user passcode
can silence a Fire/Burg bell as long as any
authority level is assigned to the area
where the bell can be silenced.
U### User Group
Default: Blank
Selection: Blank, 1 to 8
Use this parameter to create a group of up to 249
users (99 for the D7412G) whose combinations can
be enabled/disabled using an automatic user
window. This is the number entered into the
User Group
for any active
W# User Window
Multiple windows can be programmed for one user
group (up to eight) within one 24-hour period. For
example, if User Group 1 has a window running
from 8:00 AM (start time) to 4:00 PM (stop time),
the users for that group may use their passcodes only
between that time. Between 4:00 PM that day and
8:00 AM the next day, the users may not use their
To enable this user’s passcode at all times,
leave U### User Group blank.
User Group Window times cannot be changed from
the command center. Once a window is assigned to
a user group, the users in that group rely on the
window to be active (within the start and stop times)
for their passcodes to function. The only way to
disable the window is by reprogramming the control
panel from the D5200 or RAM.
U### Area 1 [through Area 8] Auth
Default: See
Program Record Sheet
Selection: 1 to 14 or Blank
Assign an authority level to the user for this area.
Blank means the user has no authority in this area.
U### Name
Default: See
Program Record Sheet
Selection: Sixteen alphanumeric characters
Enter Alphabetic-characters A to Z in capital letters
Period (.), comma (,), percent (%), parentheses [()],
equal (=), greater/less than (<>), exclamation (!),
braces ({}), apostrophe (’), carat (^), grave accent (`),
tilde (~), semi-colon (;), and colon (:) are not
Enter up to sixteen characters of text for this user
Programming this group with a
departmental, team, or function name
identifies all the users in this group in a
function related manner, such as
Card Data Format
The D9412G/D7412G and D9210B Controller
comply with the 26-BIT Wiegand card data format.
In essence, the format consists of 26 bits (3.2 bytes)
of data. The first bit is used for the even parity. The
next 8 bits (first byte) is used for the
U### Site
. The next 16 bits (second and third byte) are
used for the
U### Card Data
. The last bit is used
for the odd parity.
As long as the reader and tokens/cards you are using
are 26-BIT Wiegand compatible, they function with
this system.
Use only the readers identified as being compatible
with the D9210B door control module. Information
on these readers can be found in the D9210B O/I
For more information, see the Security Industry
Association (SIA) Access Control 26-BIT Wiegand
Reader Interface Standard.
U### Mstr Site
Default: Blank
Selection: 000 = (0) to 254 or Blank (255)
Master User ### Site Data
Enter the first three decimal numbers on the back of
the token/card. This is the first byte (bits 2 through
9) of data for a 26-bit Wiegand card. This is called
the site number. Tokens/cards with a site code of
255 are not compatible with the D9412G/D7412G
Control Panels.