D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 9000MAIN EN | 66
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
L## Passcode Disarm
Default: See
Program Record Sheet
Selection: Blank or E
Disarm an area by entering a passcode and pressing
Access Control Levels
L## Security Level
Default: See
Program Record Sheet
Selection: M, P, D, or Blank
M Users have access rights for this area
when the area is in any armed state.
P Users have access rights for this area
when the area is Perimeter Armed or
disarmed but not while the area is
Master Armed.
D Users have access rights for this area
only while it is disarmed.
Blank Users do not have access rights to this
Security Level [TOKEN FUNCTION]
When the user presents a token/card at the reader,
access is granted only when the user has the
authority to enter the area under certain armed
L## Disarm Level
Default: See
Program Record Sheet
Selection: I, D, or Blank
I Users change the Master Armed state
and Perimeter Armed state to
Perimeter Instant. The armed state
does not change in other areas, and the
armed state does not change if the area
is already in the perimeter instant or
disarmed state. User needs access level
for Master Armed (M) state.
Users change the local area’s Master
Armed state and Perimeter Armed
state to the Disarm state. User needs
access level for Master Armed (M) or
Perimeter Armed (P) state. All areas
within the scope of the command
center assigned to the
D# CC# Scope
in the access handler, and areas to
which the user has disarm rights,
disarm as programmed.
Blank Users do not have disarm rights in this
Burglar bells are silenced in the local area
when a user disarms with a token/card or
presents the token/card during an alarm.
The user must use a passcode to silence
a Fire Bell. Cancel Reports are sent after
a valid passcode or token/card silences
the bell.
Opening and Closing Reports are sent to
the central station receiver if programmed.
For more information on programming this
prompt for a shared area, see Access
Control Readers Assigned to the Shared
Area in Section 2.9.3 Shared-Area