D9412G/D7412G | Program Entry Guide | 2.0 9000MAIN EN | 68
Bosch Security Systems | 1/04 | 47775E
• Relay Reports: When relay activity is reported
to the receiver (see Section 2.3 Routing), on-board
relays are reported as follows: A = 253, B = 254,
C = 255. The others report as 001 to 128. The
Relay Report is RELAY SET RELAY # rrr
when the relay is turned on and RELAY RESET
RELAY # rrr when the relay is turned off. Relay
Reports are also printed on the local printer and
stored in the control panel memory log.
• Controlling Relays: As mentioned, relays can
be activated depending upon conditions that
exist with the control panel. In addition, relays
can be controlled by the user using the Chg
Relay? function, Relay On/Relay Off skeds, and
the Remote Account Manager.
Review the following programming tips, notes, and
applications before programming your relays.
DO NOT use the CHG RELAYS? function
to toggle relays reserved for special
functions. Special function relays are Area
and Panel Wide Relay functions as well as
relays assigned to CC Entr Key Rly and
P## RlyResp Type.
Relay C is always on. Assigning any other
relay (1 to 128, A or B) deactivates Relay C
so this output can be used for other
functions. When Relay C is programmed for
A# Rest Sensors, power is always supplied
from Terminal 8 of the control panel.
Check relay status after reprogramming
or resetting the control panel. All relays
are turned off after the control panel
resets. The control panel checks certain
relay functions each minute and resumes
the correct state after the reset. Other
relays must be manually set to the correct
state using the Change Relay Function
These Relay functions resume the proper
state within 1 minute:
Alarm Bell Perimeter Fault
Summary Fire Summary Trouble
Area Armed Reset Sensors
Fire Bell AC Fail
Summary Alarm Phone Fail
Silent Alarm Summary SupBurg
Area Fault Battery Trouble
Summary Fire Tbl Communications Fail
Watch Mode Summary SupFire
These Relay functions must be manually
reset with Change Relay function
Fail To Close Force Armed
Duress Log % Full
2.13.1 Area Relays
Each area can be assigned a unique relay number
for each of the events listed in this section.
Default: 1
Selection: 1 to 8
Enter the area number you are programming.
A# Alarm Bell
Default: A
Blank, 1 to 128 (1 to 64 for D7412G),
A, B, or C
This voltage output relay activates and provides
12 VDC output when a Non-fire point (
P## Fire
No) assigned to this area goes into alarm.
Burg Time and Burg Pat must be
programmed in Bell Parameters. This relay
activates according to the bell pattern and
remains active until the bell time expires.
P## Silent Bell must be No for the bell to
ring upon alarm.