ICP-CC404 | Installation Guide | 4.0 System Operations
Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089401-02 21
4.7 Codepad Duress Alarm
Figure 3: ICP-CP508W LED Codepad
Showing Audible Alarm Buttons
A codepad Duress Alarm is used as a silent holdup
alarm when 9 is added to the end of a valid User
Code used to disarm the system. If a User Code has a
priority level that only allows arming, that User Code
can transmit a Duress Alarm when the system is
A Duress Alarm (Contact ID Event Code 121) is
useful only if your system reports to a monitoring
station or pocket pager because domestic reporting
format cannot decipher the type of alarm that
occurred. You can disable the codepad Duress Alarm
Report by programming 0 in Location 336 (refer to
Section 15.8 Codepad Duress Report on page 61). You
can select Option 2 in Location 430 to use 3 instead
of 9 to activate a Duress Alarm (refer to Section 18.7
Consumer Options 3 on page 75).
4.8 Codepad Panic Alarm
An audible codepad Panic Alarm activates when a
user presses either [1] and [3] or [STAY] and
[AWAY] simultaneously.
Select Option 1 in Location 425 to program the
codepad Panic Alarm as silent (refer to Section 18.2
System Options 2 on page 73). To disable the codepad
Panic Alarm Report, program Locations 337 and 338
to 0 (refer to Section 15.9 Codepad Panic Report on
page 61). A codepad Panic Alarm transmits Contact
ID Event Code 120 if the system reports to a base
ation receiver.
4.9 Codepad Fire Alarm
An audible codepad Fire Alarm activates when a user
presses [4] and [6] on the remote codepad
simultaneously. A distinct fire sound is emitted
through the horn speaker to indicate this type of
alarm. The fire sound is different than the burglary
Select Option 2 in Location 425 to program the
codepad Fire Alarm as silent (refer to Section 18.2
System Options 2 on page 73). To disable the codepad
Fire Alarm Report, program Locations 339 and 340
to 0 (refer to Section 15.10 Codepad Fire Report on
page 61). A codepad Fire Alarm transmits a Contact
ID Event Code 110 to a base station receiver.
4.10 Codepad Medical Alarm
An audible codepad Medical Alarm activates when a
user presses [7] and [9] simultaneously.
Select Option 4 in Location 425 to program codepad
Medical Alarm as silent (refer to Section 18.2 System
Options 2 on page 73). To disable reporting of the
codepad Medical Alarm Report, program Locations
341 and 342 to 0 (refer to Section 15.11 Codepad
Medical Report on page 62). A codepad Medical Alarm
transmits a Contact ID Event Code 100 to a base
station receiver.
4.11 Isolating Zones
Isolating allows you to manually disable one or more
zones before arming the system in AWAY Mode,
STAY Mode 1, or STAY Mode 2. When a zone is
isolated, access is allowed into that zone when the
system is armed without activating an alarm.
For example, you might want to isolate a zone before
arming the system because a zone passive infrared
(PIR) detector is activating false alarms or because
you need to leave a pet inside a particular zone while
you are away.
You can isolate zones using one of two methods. One
method requires a valid User Code and the other
does not. The ability to isolate zones is determined by
the priority level assigned to each User Code holder.
Some User Code holders cannot isolate zones. Refer
to Section 13.3 User Code Priority on page 52 for more
Zones manually isolated using this method transmit a
Zone Bypass Report (Contact ID Event Code 570) for
each isolated zone when the system is armed. A Zone
Bypass Restore Report is transmitted when the
system is disarmed.
4.11.1 Standard Isolating
Standard isolating allows any operator to isolate zones
because no code is required.
1. Press [STAY] twice.
Three beeps sound.