ICP-CC404 | Installation Guide | 14.0 Zone Information
54 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089401-02
If you select split EOL resistors, the control panel
looks for four Burglary Zones (1 to 4) with 3.3 kΩ
EOL resistors and four 24-Hour Zones (5 to 8)
consisting of 6.8 kΩ resistors connected in parallel.
The Zone 1 terminal on the PCB is the terminal for
Zones 1 and 5.
Use caution when using split EOL
resistors to create four Burglary Zones
and four 24-Hour Zones. This
configuration is only suitable for normally-
closed (NC) contacts. If normally-open
(NO) contacts are used, as is the case
with most smoke detectors, a short circuit
on one zone activates both zones
connected in parallel.
If you require NO contacts when using
split EOL resistors, refer to Figure 8 for
information on how to connect NO
Figure 7: Split EOL Resistors Using
NC Contacts
2 9
6 10
1 – Zone 1
2 – Zone 2
3 – Zone 3
4 – Zone 4
5 – Zone 5
6 – Zone 6
7 – Zone 7
8 – Zone 8
9 – 3.3 k
10 – 6.8 k
Figure 8: Split EOL Resistors Using
NO Contacts
14.3 Zone Programming
The programming information for each zone is stored
in seven locations divided into three groups. The first
three locations determine how the zone operates, the
next two locations set up a number of zone options,
and the last two locations store the dialer reporting
information for the zone.
Zone Operating Information
These locations store the Zone Type (for example,
Delay-1, Instant, or 24-Hour), the Zone Pulse Count,
and the Zone Pulse Count Time. The Zone Pulse
Count specifies the number of times the zone must
activate within the time specified in the Zone Pulse
Count Time. Refer to Sections 14.3.1 Zone Types, 14.3.2
Zone Pulse Count on page 56, and 14.3.3 Zone Pulse
Count Time on page 56 for more information.
Zone Options
These two locations allow you to select from a
number of options. Refer to Sections 14.3.4 Zone
Options 1 on page 57 and 14.3.6 Zone Options 2 on
page 58 for more information.
Zone Reporting Information
This information includes the locations for the Zone
Report Code and the Zone Dialer Options.