
ICP-CC404 | Installation Guide | 18.0 System and Consumer Options
74 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089401-02
If you want to disable the reporting of a Codepad
Fire Alarm, program Locations 339 and 340 as 0
(refer to Section 15.10 Codepad Fire Report on page 61).
4 – Silent Codepad Medical
If this option is selected, a Codepad Medical Alarm
does not operate the horn speaker, the bell, or the
strobe outputs. If this option is not selected, all three
outputs operate after a Codepad Medical Alarm is
activated when a user presses [7] and [9] at the same
time on the remote codepad. Selecting this option
does not affect the communication dialer operation.
To disable the reporting of a Codepad Medical
Alarm, program Locations 341 and 342 as 0 (refer to
Section 15.11 Codepad Medical Report on page 62).
8 – Silent Access Denied (Code Retries)
If this option is selected, a Codepad Tamper Alarm
does not operate the horn speaker, bell, or the strobe
outputs. If this option is not selected, all three outputs
operate after a Codepad Tamper Alarm occurs.
Refer to Section 15.19 System Status – Access Denied on
page 63 to set the number of invalid code retries that
causes an alarm condition. Selecting this option does
not affect the operation of the communication dialer.
If you want to disable the reporting of Access Denied
reports, program Locations 357 and 358 as 0.
18.3 System Options 3
Program the selected System Options 3 in
Location 426.
The default value is 8.
The options are:
1 – AC Fail after 1 Hour
If this option is selected, the MAINS indicator flashes
when the AC mains supply is disconnected. An AC
Loss signal (Contact ID Event Code 301) is sent to
the base station receiver after the AC mains supply is
disconnected continuously for longer than 60 min.
If this option is not selected, the MAINS indicator
flashes and an AC Loss signal (Contact ID Event
Code 301) is sent to the base station receiver after the
AC mains power is disconnected continuously for 2
The MAINS indicator stops flashing when the AC
mains supply is restored for longer than 2 min.
An AC Loss Restore Report is sent to the base station
receiver after the AC mains supply is restored
continuously for more than 2 min regardless of if this
option is selected.
2 – Ignore AC Fail
If this option is selected, the MAINS indicator does
not flash and the codepad does not beep every
minute when the AC mains is disconnected from the
control panel. If you want a programmable output to
operate when the AC mains fails, use Output Event
Type 1,4 AC Fail (refer to page 66).
If this option is selected, an AC Loss report (Contact
ID Event Code 301) still reports to the base station
receiver unless Locations 348 and 349 are
programmed as 0 (refer to Section 15.15 System Status –
AC Fail Report on page 62).
4 – Zone Pulse Count Handover
If this option is selected, any zone pulse count
readings are handed over and accumulate to any zone
that is activated during the same arming cycle. Zone
pulse count handover only operates with zone pulse
count options 8 to 15. Refer to Section 14.3.2 Zone
Pulse Count on page 56 and Section 14.3.3 Zone Pulse
Count Time on page 56 for more information.
24-Hour Zones can receive any handover
pulses from other zones. 24-Hour Zones
cannot hand over pulses to other zones.
8 – Sequential Handover Delay
If this option is selected, handover delay is sequential
(that is, in numerical order from lowest to highest). If
the sequence is broken before the Entry Time
expires, an alarm occurs. If this option is not selected,
handover delay follows the entry path if a Delay Zone
is activated first. Refer to Section 14.3.1 Zone Types on
page 55 for more information about Handover Zones.
18.4 System Options 4
Program the selected System Options 4 in
Location 427.
The default value is 0.
The options are:
1 – Panel Powers Up Disarmed
If this option is selected, the control panel starts in the
disarmed state when the battery and AC mains are
reconnected after power is removed from the system.
If this option is not selected, the system always starts
armed in AWAY Mode.
2 – Arm/Disarm Tracking on Power Up
If selected, the control panel keeps its current armed
status in non-volatile memory. If the control panel is
restarted due to a power failure, the control panel
returns to being armed or disarmed as it was before
the power failed.
If the system is disarmed when power is removed
from the system, the system returns to the disarmed
state when power is reapplied to the system.