ICP-CC404 | Installation Guide | 13.0 Access Code
52 Bosch Security Systems, Inc. | 12/08 | F01U089401-02
User Codes are four digits long. The fifth position
specifies the priority level for the code. Each User
Code has its own priority level. More than one User
Code can have the same priority level. The priority
level controls the behaviour of the code, such as
allowing it to arm only, to arm and disarm, or allow
access to the Master Code functions (refer to
Section 13.3 User Code Priority on page 52). The
installer can assign access to Master Code functions to
multiple User Codes.
Only the installer can change the priority
The ICP-CC404 Control Panel can have up to eight
programmable User Codes (1 to 8) to operate the
system. Refer to Section 4.0 System Operations on
page 18 for information about the different methods
to arm and disarm the system.
Although 16 User Codes are available, User Codes 9
through 16 can only be Remote Radio User Codes.
User Codes 9 to 16 allow systems that require remote
radio control by hand-held remote transmitters. Refer
to Section 5.0 Remote Radio Transmitter Operations on
page 24 for information on remote operations and
adding and deleting Remote Radio User Codes.
User Code 16 is reported when any of these methods
is used to arm or disarm the system:
• Arming and disarming using remote radio control
equipment connected to the RE005E 2-Channel
Radio Interface.
• Arming and disarming using the CC816 Alarm
Link Software.
• Arming remotely by telephone.
• Single button arming in AWAY Mode, STAY
Mode 1, or STAY Mode 2.
• Single button disarming from STAY Mode 1 or
STAY Mode 2.
• Automatic arming in AWAY Mode or STAY
Mode 1.
• Automatic disarming from AWAY Mode, STAY
Mode 1, or STAY Mode 2
13.3 User Code Priority
The installer can assign one of ten different priority
levels to a User Code. Each priority level allows or
restricts a user from performing specific functions.
Table 41: Priority Levels
Level Description
0 Arm or disarm
1 Arm only
2 Arm or disarm and Open or Close Reports
3 Arm only and Close Report
4 Arm or disarm and code to isolate
6 Arm or disarm, code to isolate, and Open or
Close Reports
8 Arm or disarm and Master Code functions
10 Arm or disarm, Master Code functions, and
Open or Close Reports
12 Arm or disarm, Master Code functions, and code
to isolate
14 Arm or disarm, Master Code functions, code to
isolate, and Open or Close Reports
The user can arm and disarm the system. A Closing
Report is sent only after a previous code that can
send an Opening Report disarms the system.
Arm Only
The user can arm the system but cannot disarm the
system. A Closing Report is sent only after a previous
code that can send an Opening Report disarms the
Open/Close Reports
Open and Close reports are sent to the monitoring
station when the user disarms and arms the system,
but only if Open/Close Reports is enabled in
Locations 333 and 334 (refer to Section 15.6 Open/Close
Reports on page 61).
Code To Isolate
If one or more User Codes has this option included,
the method of standard isolating is disabled and only
a User Code with this option in its priority level can
isolate zones before arming the system using the
Code to Isolate method. Refer to Section 4.11 Isolating
Zones on page 21 for more information.
When priority level 4, 6, 12, or 14 is
assigned to any User Codes, the
Standard Isolating method no longer
operates. Only User Codes with a
priority level of 4, 6, 12, or 14 can isolate
zones using the Code to Isolate method.
Master Code Functions
The user has access to all Master Code functions.
Refer to Section 6.2 Master Code Functions on page 31
for more information.