Confirming the Device Signature Certificate
Customizing Communications Settings
Confirming the Device Signature Certificate
You can confirm the certificate and key pair required for adding a device signature
to PDF files.
You cannot press [Check Device Signature Certificate] if the certificate and key pair for
adding a device signature have not been generated. For more information on the
certificate and key pair for adding a device signature, see Chapter 3, "Using a TCP/IP
Network," in the Network Guide.
This function is only available if the optional Universal Send PDF Security Feature Set is
Press (Additional Functions) ➞ [Communications Settings]
➞ [TX Settings] under <Common Settings> ➞ [Check Device
Signature Certificate].
To verify a certificate, select the certificate you want to verify
➞ press [Certificate Details] ➞ [Certificate Verification].
<Certificate Thumbprint> contains sender information used to validate the reliability
of a PDF with a device signature, by matching it with the MD5 or SHA-1 message
digest number. For more information on confirming <Certificate Thumbprint> and
other device signature information, see Chapter 3, "Using a TCP/IP Network," in
the Network Guide.