
Error Messages
# 868
Cause Failed to communicate with the destination when sending with WebDAV,
because access via a proxy server was requested (received HTTP Error 305:
Use Proxy).
Remedy 1 Check the settings of the WebDAV server.
Remedy 2 Check Proxy Settings in TCP/IP Settings in Network Settings in System
Settings (from the Additional Functions screen). (See Chapter 3, "Using a TCP/
IP Network," in the Network Guide.)
# 869
Cause Received a response from the destination stating that authorization failed when
sending with WebDAV (received HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized).
Remedy 1 Check the user name and password for the destination.
Remedy 2 Check the security settings of the WebDAV server.
# 870
Cause Received a response from the destination stating that the request was denied
when sending with WebDAV (received HTTP Error 403: Forbidden).
Remedy 1 Wait a few moments, and the try again.
Remedy 2 Check the destination.
Remedy 3 Check the settings of the WebDAV server.
# 871
Cause Received a response from the destination stating that the specified folder could
not be found when sending with WebDAV (received HTTP Error 404: Not
Found/409: Conflict/410: Gone).
Remedy Check the settings of the WebDAV server.
# 872
Cause Received a response from the destination stating that access is denied when
sending with WebDAV (received HTTP Error 405: Method Not Allowed).
Remedy Check the settings of the WebDAV server.