
Questions & Answers
Q Can I change the data size of an e-mail message or I-fax before sending it?
A You can specify the Maximum Data Size for Sending setting according to your needs. To
access this setting, press (Additional Functions) [System Settings]
[Communications Settings] [E-mail/I-Fax Settings]. For e-mail, the send job is split up
into several e-mail messages before being sent, so that the data size of each e-mail
message does not exceed the set limit. For I-fax, the send job cannot be sent if the data
size exceeds the set limit when <Send Via Server> is set to 'On'. However, when <Send
Via Server> is set to 'Off', even if you enter the maximum data size for sending, there is
no size limit on the data that is sent.
Q The result in the Activity Report shows "--." How can I tell if the document was
successfully sent?
A "--" is displayed when sending is successful, but it is not confirmed whether the e-mail
message or I-fax you sent, or the file that you sent to an imageWARE Document
Manager folder, was actually delivered. Contact the recipient to check whether your
document was received.