Favorites Buttons
About the Favorites Buttons, 9-16
Displaying confirmation, 9-20
Erasing, 9-19
Naming, 9-17
Registering, 9-16
Registering a Comment, 9-18
Specifying, 2-26
Fax Activity Report sample, 14-13
Fax information services, 7-8
Fax jobs
Available paper sizes, 6-10
Checking fax job details, 8-9
Checking/Changing the status of fax jobs, 8-9
Printing the Fax Activity Report, 8-11
Use Fax Memory Lock, 11-10
Fax number, registering, 1-16
Fax RX Report sample, 14-8
Fax settings
Adjusting the alarm and monitor volume, 9-42
Auto Redial, 9-45, 14-25
ECM reception, 9-48
ECM transmission, 9-43
Pause Time, 9-44
Reception password, 11-7
Send/Receive start speed, 11-7
Fax TX Report/Fax Error TX Report sample,
FCC (Federal Communications Commission), xvi
File Format, setting
About file format, 5-21
File formats, 14-28
File server, 14-28
Fine, 14-23, 14-28
Flow of sending operations, 1-20
Footer information, printing, 9-39
Forwarding, 14-28
Forwarding Conditions List sample, 14-15
Forwarding errors, handling, 9-12
Forwarding settings
About forwarding settings, 11-22
Checking/Changing, 11-40
Erasing, 11-41
Forwarding without conditions, 11-35
Printing, 11-42
Storing, 11-23
Turning the forwarding function On/Off, 11-41
Frame Erase
About Frame Erase, 4-5
Binding Erase, 4-5, 4-9
Book Frame Erase, 4-5, 4-7
Original Frame Erase, 4-5, 4-6
FTP, 14-29
Gamma value, setting, 9-32, 9-41
Glossary, 14-25
I-fax, 14-29
I-fax jobs
Available paper size, 6-10
Checking the arrival of an I-fax, 8-13
Use I-fax Memory Lock, 11-11
I-fax settings, 11-4
Illustrations used in this manual, xv
Image Quality Adjustment
About Image Quality Adjustment, 4-14
Prevent Bleeding, 4-14, 4-16
Remove Background, 4-14
imageWARE, 14-29
imageWARE Document Manager Gateway,