Chapter 4 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS C3500 4-29
Viewing a Job
Documents in the Send Fax Manager can be viewed, but not edited or
saved, as follows:
❍ Click the job you want to view, then click the Open Document
button on the toolbar, or choose the Open Document command
from the Fax menu.
❍ Double-click the job.
Deleting a Job
You can delete any job other than the Active job as follows:
❍ Click the job you want to delete, then press the
Delete key.
❍ Click the job you want to delete then click the Delete button on the
toolbar, or choose the Delete command from the Edit menu.
Using the Fax Log
The Fax Log contains a list of fax activity (faxes sent and received). The
log lists information for each fax, such as transmission type and status,
connection number and ID, document name, number of pages, file size,
date and time the fax was sent or received, and the origin of the fax.
You can use the Fax Log for a variety of purposes, such as reviewing the
error status of a failed PC fax. When reviewing the Fax Log, you can also
print it.
Sending Faxes