Problem Cause Solution
Data from computer is The print head unit may need Clean the print head. See
not printed (continued) cleaning. page 9-8.
The BJ cartridge may need to be Replace the BJ cartridge. See
replaced. (It may be out of ink.) page 9-11.
The application you are Check the computer and the
printing from may not be
application to make sure they
up properly.
are configured correctly.
Make sure your application has
the MultiPASS selected as the
The MultiPASS may not be set Make sure the MultiPASS is
as the default printer or the selected as the default or
selected printer. current printer.
Make sure the MultiPASS Server
is running.
The printer driver may be Make sure the MultiPASS
configured with the wrong printer driver is configured
port. to use the computer’s
parallel port. See page 2-7.
The computer’s parallel port Make sure your computer’s
may be disabled. CMOS has the primary
parallel port set to LPT1.
(Your computer should have
a Setup Program that lets you
do this.) See your computer’s
Another hardware device or Disconnect the peripheral
software application is device and uninstall or remove
attempting to communicate any software associated with
with the same parallel port this device and any software
to which the MultiPASS is communicating with the
connected. parallel port.
BJ cartridge moves, The BJ cartridge or a BJ tank Make sure the BJ cartridge
ink does not appear may not be installed properly. and its BJ tank(s) are properly
installed. Make sure the orange
tape is removed from the print
head area (see page 9-14).
The nozzles on the BJ Perform the print head
cartridge may be clogged. cleaning procedure (see page
9-8) and print the nozzle check
(see page 9-7).
A BJ tank may be empty Check the BJ tanks and
(BC-21e Color BJ cartridge). replace them if necessary.
10-12 Troubleshooting Chapter 10