10-8 Troubleshooting Chapter 10
Message Error Code Cause Action
DIALING — The MultiPASS is Press STOP if you
dialing the receiving want to cancel the
fax machine. transmission.
DOC TOO LONG #003 It took more than 32 Divide the document
minutes to send or and send or copy each
copy a document. part separately.
It took more than 32 Contact the other party.
minutes to receive a Have them divide the
document. document and send
each part separately.
The document is longer Use a copy machine to
than 39.4 inches (1 m). make a reduced copy of
the document and send
the copy.
DOCUMENT READY — The document in the Send the fax, scan the
ADF is ready for faxing, document, or make the
scanning, or copying. copy.
ECM RX — The MultiPASS is ECM transmissions may
receiving a fax take longer than normal
using ECM. transmissions. Turn
off ECM if you need to
receive quickly, or if you
know your local lines
are in good condition.
ECM TX — The MultiPASS is ECM transmissions may
sending a fax using take longer than normal
ECM. transmissions. Turn off
ECM if you need to
transmit quickly, or if
you know your local
lines are in good
HANG UP PHONE — The telephone is Place the telephone
off hook. properly into its cradle.
INSTALL BC-20/21 — The BC-22e or BC-29F Remove the BC-22e or
BJ Cartridge is installed, BC-29F BJ Cartridge
so the MultiPASS cannot and install the BC-21e
print any received faxes, or BC-20 BJ Cartridge.
or make copies.
INSTALL BC-21 — The BC-20, BC-22e, Remove the BC-20,
or BC-29F BJ Cartridge BC-22e, or BC-29F
is installed. BJ Cartridge and install
the BC-21e BJ Cartridge.
LOAD PAPER — The MultiPASS is out Load paper in the sheet
of paper (the sheet feeder. Make sure the
feeder is empty). stack does not exceed
the limit mark. Then