Chapter 4 Sending Faxes With the MultiPASS C3500 4-49
Changing Text Color
1. In the layout area, select the field(s) you want to change.
2. Choose the Foreground Color command from the Annotation
menu, then choose the desired color.
Aligning Fields
When placing labels, graphics, or variable fields in the layout area, you
may be concerned that they properly align, to make them more visually
appealing. You can align two or more selected fields, based on the
position of the first field you select. The first field selected in the set of
fields to be aligned is the anchor for the alignment.
You can align fields, based on the first selected field, by their top,
bottom, left, right, horizontal center, or vertical center locations.
1. Select the two or more fields you want to align.
2. Choose the Align command from the Annotation menu, then select
the desired align option.
Adding Additional Annotations to Your Cover Page
The following sections describe additional ways in which you can
annotate your cover page.
Adding a Sticky-Note Annotation
Rather than add text directly to a cover page, as you do with the Text
tool, you can add a Sticky-Note on any portion of your cover page as a
graphic element.
When you add a Sticky-Note, you can choose the text attributes: font,
font size and color, background color, and special effects (underline,
You can type any text that you want for the Sticky-Note, editing the note
later if necessary. If you select a font, font size, a color, or special effect, it
affects the entire note. If you change any of the attributes while editing a
note, or while the note is selected, it changes all the text in the note.
Sending Faxes