3-18 Performing Setup from the Control Panel
Enable Auto IP Configuration
Yes/No [Yes]
Select Yes to allow the ColorPASS to obtain its Token Ring IP address. Depending on
your network and the protocol you select in the following option (DHCP, BOOTP, or
RARP), the IP address can change. Select No to assign the ColorPASS a static IP
address that will not change. If you select No, you proceed to the IP Address option,
where you manually set the IP address.
Select protocol
This option appears only if you answered Yes to Enable Auto IP Configuration.
Select the protocol over which the ColorPASS should search for its IP address. Both
DHCP and BOOTP allow the ColorPASS to obtain the Token Ring IP address and
Subnet Mask automatically. RARP obtains only the Token Ring IP address.
Depending on your network, the ColorPASS might be assigned a different address
after you reboot the ColorPASS. With the DHCP setting, the ColorPASS can be
assigned a different address even if it is not rebooted.
Make sure the network is already configured properly for the protocol you select.
Get Gateway Address Automatically
Yes/No [No]
Use this option to get the gateway address automatically for printing with TCP/IP.
This option appears only if you selected DHCP or BOOTP as the protocol in the
previous option.
If you select a DHCP or BOOTP protocol and later change it to RARP, you must
return to Setup and set this option to No. You can then set the address manually. This
is because RARP does not support automatic assignment of the gateway address.