v2.0 - English
Unit Identification ó Password Settings
Password level:
Access to the camera is generally protected with a password in order to prevent
unauthorized use of the device. The transmitters operate with three authorization
levels: Live, User and Service.
Service - for configuration, services control and live picture.
User - for services control and live picture.
Live - for live picture only.
You can define and change passwords for access to the device when you are
working with the authorization level ‘Service’ or if the device is not protected with a
password. Please enter the password.
Password Confirm:
Type the new password again and click Set.
Unit Identification ó Language Settings
Website language: select the desired language of the HTML pages.
Unit Identification ó Time Settings
If a number of cameras are combined in a system, it is important that the internal clocks of
the separate units are all synchronized.
Date Format: select here the desired date format, based on your country.
Unit Date/Time: manually enter the date and time or click on Synchr. PC to update the
date and time, in synchronization with the PC’s current date and time.