v2.0 - English
Video loss alarm:
Select the option On if the unit is to activate an alarm when the video signal is
Unified picture detection:
This function constantly checks the contrast of the video image and triggers an
alarm when the video is locked, for example, when the lens is covered.
Motion alarm:
Select On if the unit is to activate an alarm when the motion alarm is triggered.
Alarm input 1/2:
Select the option On in order to activate the alarm by means of an external alarm
sensor. Otherwise select Off. If this setting is turned On, you must also select if the
alarm is activated by an Active high or Active low voltage level. Enter into the text
field a message for the alarm input which will be displayed on screen if an alarm is
Alarm Settings รณ Alarm Connections
Options are provided to specify the behavior of the devices in the event of an alarm.
Connect on alarm:
Select On, to automatically establish a connection to one of the predefined IP
addresses in the event of an alarm. The addresses will be contacted in turn once
until a connection is established.
Select Assign IP to input if you want a predefined allocation of alarm input and
remote IP address. Thereby only one remote IP address will be contacted in case of
an alarm, namely the first IP address with alarm input 1 being triggered, the second
with alarm input 2 and so on.
Choosing the parameter Follow input 1, a connection to the first IP address is
established when alarm input 1 is triggered and holds only until there is a contact at
alarm input 1. For example, the connection is established if a push-button connected
to alarm input 1 is activated and will be disconnected automatically when the button
is turned off.
Number of video receiver address:
The ZN-L8000 can store up to 10 alarm IP addresses. In case of an alarm, the
addresses are contacted one after the other until a connection is established.