v2.0 - English
Save general logfile to hard disk:
Select this option to store the logfile in a text file on the local computer.
File for saving alarm messages:
Enter the path to the location where the log files for the alarm messages are stored.
File for saving general messages:
Enter the path to the location where the log files for the general system messages
are to be stored.
Path for JPEG/MPEG-4 files:
Enter the path to the storage location for the JPEG snapshots and video sequences
which can be stored from the live page or the DRAM-Replay.
Service Settings รณ Software Update
Software upload:
The units are designed in such a way that their functions and parameters can be
updated with firmware (device software). In such cases, transmit the updated
firmware package via the selected network to the device. On termination of the
connection, the firmware will be automatically installed. This allows a device to be
remotely serviced and updated without a technician having to modify the device
installation on site.
Before starting the firmware upload, ensure that you have selected the correct
upload file! An upload of other files can result in the device being no longer
addressable and having to be replaced. Please remember that you can damage
a camera interrupting a firmware upload.
Configuration download:
You can store the configuration setting of the device on a PC and upload stored
configuration settings from a PC to the device. (Click on Download)
Configuration upload:
Upload the configuration by selecting a file and clicking Upload.
Reset operation
In order to activate the new configuration the system must be rebooted by
entering the current IP address followed by a reset operation.