v2.0 - English
Video resolution:
You can choose between these resolutions:
Low 176 x 144 pixels (QCIF)
Standard 352 x 288 pixels (CIF)
High 704 x 288 pixels (2CIF)
Reset this parameter preset:
When the 'Default' button is pressed, the parameters for the selected profile are
reset to the factory default values.
If the MPEG ActiveX control is not installed on your computer, a corresponding
message will be displayed when you switch to the live image page. The latest
version of the MPEG ActiveX control may be installed from the supplied
software CD, or downloaded free from our website.
Video/Audio Settings ó Video Input Settings
If a local analog video output connector is used, this page will allow you to open the line 75
Ohm termination to use with other devices. Please set to On if external video peripherals
are not being used (this setting must be identical to the position of the external 75
Ohm/High impedance video line termination switch).
Video/Audio Settings óAudio Settings
Activate audio:
Switch this option On if you want to send an audio stream along with the MPEG-4
video. Transmitting audio requires additional bandwidth of approximately 80 Kbps.
When audio is set to On, it is stored together with the video stream when centralized
recording is active; audio can not be recorded on local storage media.
Alarm settings ó Alarm sources