other correction to allow the process to continue.
00031 to 00039 = DO NOT sound alarm. After specified number of retries
stop the retries and continue with the remainder of the cycle.
The last digit determines the number of retries before continuing
with the process. This would be appropriate if you wish to make
several attempts at a dispense, such as regrind, but you wish the
process to continue without any alarm indication.
The first three digits of this parameter (_AL xxx00) may be used
to STOP and ALARM the blender if an overdispense occurs by the number
of grams specified. For example, CAL 02004 will cause the system to
STOP and ALARM if the COLOR dispense is 20 grams over target.
(C - OVER) will be displayed. Use PAUSE (or POWER OFF) to reset the
Alarm condition. If a printer is connected, a standard cycle printout
will occur.
MIX (change to run the mixer a longer timed period)
MIX indicates the TIME that the mixer will run after the weigh bin
dump valve opens in seconds. Adequate mixing can be accomplished in a
short time. Additional mixing may cause separation and may create a
static problem with the material.
The default value is (00010), allowing an initial mix time of 10
seconds. A maximum setting of 29999 will produce a mix time of over 8
hours. Setting the mix time to 99 (MIX 00099) will cause the mixer to
run 360 seconds (6 minutes).
JOG Mix blade JOGS, count and interval.
JOG indicates the number of times the blade will jog after initial
mixing is ended, plus the time interval between these jogs.
After mix TIME is complete, the mix blade is jogged about 1 turn
every 1/2 minute. These jogs serve to level the pile of material in
the mix chamber, insuring that the sensor does not remain covered for
too long. The first 3 digits (030xx) of the parameter indicate how
many jogs will occur. The last two digits (xxx30) indicate the
frequency (or interval) in seconds.
The default setting of (03030) produces a jog every 1/2 minute for
up to 30 jogs. You may lengthen or shorten these numbers as required.
A maximum setting of (29999) (299 jogs, once every 99 seconds) produces
a maximum jog time of over 8 hours.
FCV (Delays opening and closing of the flow control valve)
FCV controls three different items:
1) Digit 1 can reverse the output logic of the computer.
2) Digits 2 and 3 set the time delay before closing.
3) Digits 4 and 5 set the time delay before opening.
The most important and primary use of FCV is to set the TIME, in
seconds, that the flow control valve delays before opening (4th and 5th
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