If you are reading this section, you are having problems. To locate
and correct the problem we suggest that you take the following steps:
1. Start by reading the WIRING CONSIDERATIONS section.
Even if the system worked well for a time, new wiring or increased
plant electrical noise can cause new problems.
2. Then follow the CHECKOUT procedure in the front of this manual. If
anything does not work right, read the diagnostics section that
follows it.
3. Read the section on NORMAL OPERATING SEQUENCE to be sure you
understand what it is supposed to be doing. If you are still
unsure as to how the software logic works, call us.
4. Read the list of TYPICAL PROBLEMS that follows this list.
5. For difficult problems we can provide the most help if we have a
printout of the PARAMETER table (KEYPAD, *77) and a cycle by cycle
printout (KEYPAD, *54). (See PRINTED OUTPUTS section)
To print the PARAMETER table:
Press: * Display will say: (PASSWORD)
Press: 22222 Display will say: (P x)
Press: *77 Display will say: (INSTR 77)
Parameter table will print.
To print cycle information while the unit is running:
Press: * Display will say: (PASSWORD)
Press: 22222 Display will say: (P x)
Press: *54 Display will say: (PRNT OFF)
Press: * Display will say: (PRNT ON )
Press: EXIT 2 times.
6. If you have previously saved a correct copy of the parameter table
using the *23 function, then do a "CLEAR" by pressing the "CE" key
while turning POWER ON.
7. As a last resort, do a CLEARALL, (see CLEAR ALL section)
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