
is required, the _LA number is very important. A lag time number that
is too small will result in no dispense at all because of inadequate
time for the device to operate. A lag time number that is too big may
result in over dispenses when very small amounts are called for.
Since too small a number may stall the process, always add 2 to the
minimum as a safety. As a further safety, the software automatically
doubles the lag time number if a dispense occurs without any weight
being detected.
Typical LAG TIMES are: (minimum plus five)
12 - for an AC motor being powered through a relay.
20 - for a 1" air cylinder sliding a dispense valve.
127 - for an automatic speed controller.
PRC (not necessary to ever change this)
PRC is the maximum allowable PERCENT rate change per cycle. If a
large dispense error occurs, flow rate corrections do not exceed this
percent number. This prevents large swings in timing of dispenses and
provides for stable dispense rates under difficult conditions. For
example, when dispense quantities are very small (one or two grams),
overfeeding by several grams is a distinct possibility. This type of
error represents a very large percentage error to the controller.
However, a large correction would not be appropriate but, instead,
would cause a "hunting" of dispense time that would result in further
large errors. This parameter prevents this.
STL (probably no need to ever change this)
STL is the TIME period allowed to pass after a dispense has
occurred, but before a weight reading is taken. This settle time
allows falling pellets to reach the bin and also prevents their impact
with the bin from adding to the weight reading.
These four parameters are set to match the characteristics of the
type of load cells used in your system. DO NOT ALTER THEM. LCL and
LCH are the acceptable LOW and HIGH limits of load cell output
expressed as pulses per gram of weight. LCF is the lowest acceptable
FULL scale load cell output in raw signal pulses per second. LCZ is
the highest acceptable ZERO scale output. The LCF and LCZ numbers
stored here are multiplied by 256 before being used by the software.
SCR Special Customer Request
If a customer has a special software requirement that has no
benefit to anyone else, then this request is hidden in the
software and activated by the appropriate code number being
entered into this parameter. Believe me when I say that these
request are useless to anyone else.
BCR Use only for blenders with BAR CODE reader input.
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