Crestron CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT Thermostats
Humidifier Related Joins (continued)
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
Analog value that is output if a connected remote
temperature/humidity sensor is declared as “outdoor”
Can be used to distribute the reading to other
thermostats for display purposes
The "regulation" humidity that a thermostat is using, This
is the average of the humidity sensor inputs declared
"use" in set-up. This output is only active when a
thermostat setup has humidity sensing capability, either
by being a CHV-THSTAT or a CHV-TSTAT with humidity
remote (Analog)
BUILT_IN_HUMID_F Advanced Output
Humidity value of built-in sensor (Analog) Output will
send out the sensor values even if the sensor is
declared, "omit"
REM1_HUMID_F Advanced Output
Humidity value of remote 1 sensor (Analog) Output will
be zero if the sensor is not installed Output will send out
the sensor values even if the sensor is declared "omit"
REM2_HUMID_F Advanced Output
Humidity value of remote 2 sensor (Analog) Output will
be zero if the sensor is not installed Output will send out
the sensor values even if the sensor is declared "omit"
HVAC Related Analog Joins
NOTE: All temperatures except for setpoint values are expressed in tenths of degrees. For example: sending 703 means
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
SETPOINT_1 Both Input
The primary setpoint value, in whole numbers, Example:
71 means the setpoint is 71 degrees, It is the value used
in heat, cool, and "aux heat only" modes, When operating
in auto mode, setpoint_1 can mean two things,
depending on setup, If the option "dual setpoint auto" is
Yes, then setpoint is the heat setpoint If No is selected,
then setpoint is the only setpoint (single-point auto only
has one setpoint)
SETPOINT_1_F Both Output Output of setpoint 1, in whole numbers
SETPOINT_2 Both Input
Secondary setpoint value, which is ONLY used as the
cooling setpoint in auto when "Dual setpoint auto" is
selected as Yes
SETPOINT_2_F Both Output Output of setpoint 2, in whole numbers
Input that allows the outdoor temperature value to be
retrieved from Cresnet for display on the "outdoor" page,
This value is ignored when a thermostat has a remote-
outdoor sensor connected to it Also used for balance
point action on heat pump systems, in 10ths of degrees
Output used for sending outdoor temperature to other
units, it takes the value of remote sensors declared
"OD"(Outdoor) Output is zero if no remotes are declared
"OD", in 10ths of degrees
Operations and Installation Guide – DOC. 8163A Thermostats: CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT • 33