Crestron CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT Thermostats
Thermostats: CHV-TSTAT and
Functions and Features
The CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT series are wall-mounted universal thermostats
that can be part of a Crestron Home
total control system. The thermostats are
capable of controlling one or two-stage heating and cooling systems. Each
thermostat is available in three colors: almond, black and white. The suffix ‘A’, ‘B’,
and ‘W’, respectively denotes color, e.g., CHV-TSTATB is a black unit. For
simplicity within this guide, color suffix is omitted and the designations CHV-
TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT are used except where noted.
Functional Summary
• User adjustable temperature and/or humidity control of one and two-stage
heating and cooling systems
• 128 x 64 transflective 2.75 inch (6.99 cm) LCD display
• Fahrenheit or Celsius indication
• Four-front panel buttons for setup, configuring and temperature/humidity
• Back light (with each button press) for night viewing
• Supports up to two remote temperature and/or temperature/humidity sensors.
Future firmware releases will support up to four remote sensors per thermostat
• Operates as a stand-alone device or in a Cresnet
• Extended functionality as a Cresnet device for lighting control, alarms, etc.
The CHV-TSTAT provides temperature control, while the CHV-THSTAT provides
temperature and humidity control. Temperature and humidity information is
provided through a transflective LCD display. Four front panel buttons and the LCD
display provide temperature and/or humidity indication and control, current system
status, and current fan mode. The LCD also provides status indicators denoting when
heat, cool, humidity or fan outputs are energized; a message indicator, so users know
when a message is waiting to be read; a net indicator to denote when the network is
active and a hold indicator that identifies when the thermostat is overriding the
Cresnet temperature set point commands.
Operations and Installation Guide – DOC. 8163A Thermostats: CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT • 1