Thermostats Crestron CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT
HVAC Related Analog Joins (continued)
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
Temperature used for regulation, this is the mean
(averaged) temperature for all sensors declared “use”, in
10ths of degrees
BUILT_IN_TEMP_F Advanced Output
Temperature of the built-in sensor, in 10ths of degree,
Note that the values are reported regardless of the
use/OD/omit setting
REM1_TEMP_F Advanced Output
Temperature of remote 1 sensor, in 10ths of degree
Unconnected sensors are reported as 0, Note that the
values are reported regardless of the use/OD/omit
REM2_TEMP_F Advanced Output
Temperature of remote 2 sensor, in 10ths of degree
Unconnected sensors are reported as 0, Note that the
values are reported regardless of the use/OD/omit
Indirect Text Joins (Serial)
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
MESSAGE Advanced Input
Used for sending a message to the thermostat Appears
on the “messages” view screen
BUTTON_LABEL_1 Advanced Input
Provides the soft button label for the first remote function
button (up button, page 1)
BUTTON_LABEL_2 Advanced Input
Provides the soft button label for the second remote
function button (down button, page 1)
BUTTON_LABEL_3 Advanced Input
Provides the soft button label for the third remote
function button (up button, page 2)
BUTTON_LABEL_4 Advanced Input
Provides the soft button label for the fourth remote
function button (down button, page 2)
Advanced Setup Related Analog Joins
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
HEAT_ANTICIPATOR_F Advanced Output Heat anticipator value, 1-6 (refer to page 19)
COOL_ANTICIPATOR_F Advanced Output Cooling anticipator value, 1-6 (refer to page 19)
Auto mode deadband value, 2-6 degrees (refer to page
HP_BALANCE_PT_F Advanced Output Heat pump balance point, 0-90˚F (refer to page 19)
AUX_BALANCE_PT_F Advanced Output Aux balance point, 0-90˚F (refer to page 19)
LCD_CONTRAST_F Advanced Output LCD contrast value, 1-10
TEMP_DISP_OFFSET_F Advanced Output
Offset to be added to measured temperature value to
correct display to user preference, -6 - +6 degrees
Setup Related Digital Joins
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
HEAT_COOL SYS_F Advanced Output
Asserted when the system is heat/cool type (as opposed
to heat pump)
HEATPUMP_SYS_F Advanced Output Asserted when system type is heat pump
34 • Thermostats: CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT Operations and Installation Guide – DOC. 8163A