
Crestron CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT Thermostats
Setup Related Digital Joins (continued)
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
DUAL_FUEL_HP_F Advanced Output
Asserted when dual-fuel heat pump system declared,
In conventional heat pump systems, aux heat may be
used to supplement heat pump heat. In dual-fuel
setups, the aux heat output runs in place of the heat
pump in cold weather. Requires outdoor temperature
RADIANT_F Advanced Output
Asserted when a heat/cool system is declared as
Radiant, Radiant systems require slightly different
control characteristics than forced air systems
FAN_IN_HEAT_F Advanced Output
Asserted when “Run Fan in Heat” is “yes”, Most
heating systems control the fan if it is needed, but
some systems may require the fan to be controlled by
the thermostat
HEAT_1_STG_F Advanced Output Asserted when one stage of heat is defined
HEAT_2_STG_F Advanced Output Asserted when two stages of heat are defined
COOL_1_STG_F Advanced Output Asserted when one stage of cooling is defined
COOL_2_STG_F Advanced Output Asserted when two stages of cooling are defined
TEMP_IN_F Advanced Output Asserted when Fahrenheit units are used
TEMP_IN_C Advanced Output Asserted when Celsius units are used
DISP_FP_HUM_F Advanced Output Asserted when front panel object is set to be humidity
DISP_FP_OD_F Advanced Output
Asserted when front panel object is outdoor
DISP_HUM_F Advanced Output Asserted when humidity pages are enabled
DISP_GLOBAL_F Advanced Output Asserted when global update page is enabled
DISP_OUTDOOR_F Advanced Output Asserted when outdoor page is enabled
DISP_REM_BUTTONS1_F Advanced Output Asserted when remote button page 1 is enabled
DISP_REM_BUTTONS2_F Advanced Output Asserted when remote button page 2 is enabled
DUAL_SP_AUTO_MODE_F Advanced Output
Asserted when using 2 point auto mode, unasserted
means using single point auto mode
LOW_TEMP_HUM_COMP_F Advanced Output
Asserted when low temperature humidity compensation
is enabled, helps prevent condensation on windows in
cold weather
Sensor Setup Related Digital Joins
Signal Name Symbol I/O Definition
USE_LOC_TEMP_F Advanced Output Asserted when using built in temperature sensor
USE_R1_TEMP_F Advanced Output Asserted when using remote 1 temperature sensor
USE_R2_TEMP_F Advanced Output Asserted when using remote 2 temperature sensor
OMIT_LOC_TEMP_F Advanced Output Asserted when Omitting built in temperature sensor
OMIT_R1_TEMP_F Advanced Output Asserted when Omitting remote 1 temperature sensor
OMIT_R2_TEMP_F Advanced Output Asserted when Omitting remote 2 temperature sensor
R1_T_OUTDOOR_F Advanced Output
Asserted when remote 1 temperature sensor has been
declared as outdoor (OD)
R2_T_OUTDOOR_F Advanced Output
Asserted when remote 2 temperature sensor has been
declared as outdoor (OD)
USE_LOC_HUM_F Advanced Output
Asserted when using built in humidity sensor
USE_R1_HUM_F Advanced Output Asserted when using remote 1 humidity sensor
Operations and Installation Guide – DOC. 8163A Thermostats: CHV-TSTAT and CHV-THSTAT 35