CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # 001-16968 Revision ** 103
Manufacturing Test Support, MTK
6.4 MTK RF Protocol
Command packets received by the Device-Under-Test (DUT) are ‘echoed’ with the addition of an
added byte that contains the count of invalid bits for the received packet. Extra bytes in packets that
are larger than what the DUT can support are ignored. Commands other than ‘Echo Packet’ are only
‘echoed’ and executed if the number of invalid bits are zero.
The RF command packets exchanged between the MTK Tester and the MTK DUT contain two
bytes. The first byte contains the command type and the subsequent bytes contain the parameter
values as shown in Table 6-4.
The ‘Transmit carrier’ and ‘Transmit random pattern’ test mode can be conditionally compiled with
the define MFG_TX_MODES.
6.5 MTK DUT Source Code Porting
The RDK keyboard, bridge and mouse use the C source files mfgtest.c and mfgtest.h. Select the
appropriate source files for the target platform as a starting point. Make code changes as necessary
to work in your environment.
6.6 Accessing MTK in the DUT
Mouse: Apply a jumper across the ISSP header pins 4 and 5, and install the batteries.
Keyboard: Same as mouse.
Bridge: Press the Bind button while plugging it into the USB port. The LED’s should blink.
Table 6-3. Serial Port Parameter Settings
Serial Port Parameter Setting
Baud Rate 9600
Parity None
Number of Data Bits 8
Number of Stop Bits 1
Table 6-4. RF Commands
Description Command Parameter
Echo Packet 0x00 N/A
Set New Configuration 0x61 Channel (0-77)
PN code index (0-7)
PA (0-7)
Correlator Threshold (0-16)
Transmit carrier 0x66 Time in seconds (0-255)
Note A zero runs the test continuously until a reset.
Transmit random pattern 0xA3 Time in seconds (0-255)
Note A zero runs the test continuously until a reset.
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