CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # 001-16968 Revision ** 23
WirelessUSB™ Protocol 2.2
2.3 Packet Structures
The first byte of each packet is the Header byte. Some packets may consist only of the header byte
while other packets may contain up to five bytes.
Type[7:4]: The following packet types are supported:
BIND_REQ (HID) = 0x0, // Bind Request Packet Type
BIND_RESP (bridge) = 0x0, // Bind Response Packet Type
CONNECT_REQ = 0x1, // Connect Request Packet Type
CONNECT_RESP = 0x2, // Connect Response Packet Type
PING_PACKET = 0x3, // Ping Packet Type
DATA_PACKET = 0x4, // Data Packet Type
BACK_CHANNEL_PACKET = 0x5, // Back Channel Packet Type
NULL_PACKET = 0x7, // Null Packet Type
ENCRYPT_KEY_REQ = 0x8, // Key Packet Type for encryption
ENCRYPT_KEY_RESP = 0x8, // Key Packet Type for encryption
KISS_BIND_REQ = 0xD, // KISSBind request
KISS_BIND_RESP = 0xD, // KISSBind response
Res[3:0]: The lower nibble is used for packet specific information. The packet definitions below
define how these four bits are used in each case.
2.3.1 Bind/KISSBind Request Packet (HID)
Byte 1
Packet Type: 0 for bind request and 0xD for KISSBind request.
Device Type: This is a 2-bit field that specifies a vendor-defined device type. This allows the bridge
to determine HID type.
Currently the following device types have been defined in the PRoC™ LP RDK:
0x0 Presenter
0x1 Reserved
0x2 Keyboard
0x3 Mouse
Byte 1
Bits: 7:4 3:0
Byte 1
Bits: 7:4 3 2.1 0
Field: 0/0D Reserved
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