CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # 001-16968 Revision ** 115
Software Guide
9.2.3 WirelessUSB System Tray Application Module
The WirelessUSB System Tray module is the main system tray application. This module places the
icon on the system tray bar, manages the HID devices, displays pop up messages, and controls the
WirelessUSB Status Property Sheet. Additionally, via command-line parameters, this module can
enable and disable the system tray application from running at startup. CWirelessUSBTrayApp Class Methods
The CWirelessUSBTrayApp class performs application initialization and removal, in addition it
parses command-line parameters used to enable or disable the system tray application from being
run at startup.
Table 9-4. CWirelessUSBTrayApp Methods
Method Type Description
InitInstance() Public This method performs basic initialization and checks for any com-
mand-line parameters. If command-line parameters are found, it
takes the appropriate action and ends the application; if no com-
mand-line parameters are found it checks to make sure the applica-
tion is not currently running and, if not, proceeds to run the system
tray application.
ExitInstance() Public This method performs some standard cleanup before the application
RegisterAutoLoader() Protected This method registers the application (itself) to always be run at star-
tup and optionally launches itself as well.
UnregisterAudoLoader() Protected This method un-registers the application (itself) to prevent running at
startup and optionally ends itself from running.
AutoLoadExe() Protected This method launches the specified EXE application.
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