
116 CY4672 Reference Design Guide, Document # 001-16968 Revision **
Software Guide CMainFrame Class Methods
The CMainFrame class is the Visual C++ generated file that is a derived frame-window class for the
system tray application's main frame window. This class has been modified to also perform the timer
based polling of the PRoC LP bridge HID device to obtain the radio parameters and display any
appropriate pop up messages. Additionally, this class also processes the command message to cre-
ate the WirelessUSB Status Property Sheet.
Table 9-5. CMainFrame Methods
Method Type Description
OnCreate() Public This method is called when a new window is created for this frame. It
sets up the HID Notification callback and device status property
sheet, initializes the HID manager, creates the system tray icon, sets
up the menu and tool tips. If any HID devices are present, it displays
the icon on the system tray and makes a call to start the timer.
HIDNotification() Public This method processes notifications of when an HID device is added
or removed from the list. It adds or removes property pages to the
wireless status page and adds or removes the icon from the system
tray when the first or last HID devices is added or removed.
OnStartTimer() Public This method starts the timer based on the hard-coded poll timer (cur-
rently set to once every 5 seconds).
OnStopTimer() Public This method stops the timer.
OnTimer() Public This method is the timer routine that is called when the timer expires.
It loops through all the HID devices in the list and updates their status
values then restarts the timer; also, it occasionally requests an update
in the battery level, currently set to once every hour.
OnDestroy() Public This method is called when the frame window is destroyed. It stops
the timer, removes the property sheet (if displayed), and removes the
icon from the system tray.
Public This method displays the wireless status page, if it is not already dis-
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