Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision August 2008, 2ELE, V1.02 4-95
Content Address Function
28: IGBT Overheat (cF3.4)
29: Reserved
30: Reserved
31: Reserved
32: ACI signal error (AErr)
33: Reserved
34: Motor PTC overheat protection (PtC1)
Status of AC drive
00B: RUN LED is off, STOP LED is on (The AC
motor Drive stops)
01B: RUN LED blinks, STOP LED is on (When
AC motor drive decelerates to stop)
10B: RUN LED is on, STOP LED blinks (When
AC motor drive is standby)
Bit 0-1
11B: RUN LED is on, STOP LED is off (When AC
motor drive runs)
Bit 2 1: JOG command
00B: FWD LED is on, REV LED is off (When AC
motor drive runs forward)
01B: FWD LED is on, REV LED blinks (When AC
motor drive runs from reverse to forward)
10B: FWD LED blinks, REV LED is on (When AC
motor drive runs from forward to reverse)
Bit 3-4
11B: FWD LED is off, REV LED is on (When AC
motor drive runs reverse)
Bit 5-7 Reserved
Bit 8
1: Master frequency Controlled by communication
Bit 9 1: Master frequency controlled by analog signal
Bit 10
1: Operation command controlled by
communication interface
Bit 11-15 Reserved
2102H Frequency command (F)
2103H Output frequency (H)