Appendix B Accessories|
B-24 Revision August 2008, 2ELE, V1.02
LED Status State Indication
OFF No error CME-COP01 is working condition
Single Flash
Warning limit reached
At least one of error counter of the
CANopen controller has reached or
exceeded the warning level (too many
error frames)
Double Flash
Error control event
A guard event or heartbeat event has
Red ON Bus-off The CANopen controller is bus-off
LED Status State Indication
OFF No Power No power on CME-COP01 card
LED Blinking
CRC check error
Check your communication setting in
VFD-EL drives (19200,<8,N,2>,RTU)
Red ON
Connection failure/No
1. Check the connection between
VFD-EL drive and CME-COP01
card is correct
2. Re-wire the VFD-EL connection
and ensure that the wire
specification is correct
Green ON Normal Communication is normal
LED Descriptions
State Description
LED ON Constantly on
LED OFF Constantly off
LED blinking Flash, on for 0.2s and off for 0.2s
LED single
On for 0.2s and off for 1s
LED double
On for 0.2s off for 0.2s, on for 0.2s and off for 1s