Chapter 4 Parameters|
Revision August 2008, 2ELE, V1.02 4-37
Group 2: Operation Method Parameters
02.00 Source of First Master Frequency Command
Factory Setting: 1
02.09 Source of Second Master Frequency Command
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 Digital keypad UP/DOWN keys or Multi-function Inputs UP/DOWN.
Last used frequency saved. (Digital keypad is optional)
1 0 to +10V from AVI
2 4 to 20mA from ACI
3 RS-485 (RJ-45) communication
4 Digital keypad potentiometer
These parameters set the Master Frequency Command Source of the AC motor drive.
The factory setting for master frequency command is 1. (digital keypad is optional.)
Setting 2: use the ACI/AVI switch on the AC motor drive to select ACI or AVI.
When the AC motor drive is controlled by external terminal, please refer to Pr.02.05 for details.
The first /second frequency/operation command is enabled/disabled by Multi Function Input
Terminals. Please refer to Pr.04.05 ~ 04.08.
02.01 Source of First Operation Command
Factory Setting: 1
Settings 0 Digital keypad (Digital keypad is optional)
1 External terminals. Keypad STOP/RESET enabled.
2 External terminals. Keypad STOP/RESET disabled.
3 RS-485 (RJ-45)/USB communication. Keypad STOP/RESET
4 RS-485 (RJ-45)/USB communication. Keypad STOP/RESET
The factory setting for source of first operation command is 1. (digital keypad is optional.)
When the AC motor drive is controlled by external terminal, please refer to Pr.02.05/Pr.04.04
for details.