Chapter 4 Parameters|
4-100 Revision August 2008, 2ELE, V1.02
Group 10: PID Control
PID Set Point Selection
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 Disable
1 Digital keypad UP/DOWN keys
2 AVI 0 ~ +10VDC
3 ACI 4 ~ 20mA
4 PID set point (Pr.10.11)
10.01 Input Terminal for PID Feedback
Factory Setting: 0
Settings 0 Positive PID feedback from external terminal AVI (0 ~ +10VDC)
1 Negative PID feedback from external terminal AVI (0 ~ +10VDC)
2 Positive PID feedback from external terminal ACI (4 ~ 20mA)
3 Negative PID feedback from external terminal ACI (4 ~ 20mA)
Note that the measured variable (feedback) controls the output frequency (Hz). Select input
terminal accordingly. Make sure this parameter setting does not conflict with the setting for
Pr.10.00 (Master Frequency).
When Pr.10.00 is set to 2 or 3, the set point (Master Frequency) for PID control is obtained
from the AVI or ACI external terminal (0 to +10V or 4-20mA) or from multi-step speed. When
Pr.10.00 is set to 1, the set point is obtained from the keypad.
Negative feedback means: +target value – feedback
Positive feedback means: -target value + feedback.
10.11 Source of PID Set point Unit: 0.01
Settings 0.00 to 600.0Hz Factory Setting: 0.00
This parameter is used in conjunction with Pr.10.00 set 4 to input a set point in Hz.
10.02 Proportional Gain (P) Unit: 0. 1
Settings 0.0 to 10.0 Factory Setting: 1.0
This parameter specifies proportional control and associated gain (P). If the other two gains (I
and D) are set to zero, proportional control is the only one effective. With 10% deviation (error)
and P=1, the output will be P x10% x Master Frequency.