DES-3226 NWay Standalone Fast Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
Factory Reset Yes No No
Reboot Switch Yes Yes No
User Accounts Management
Add/Update/Delete User Accounts Yes No No
View User Accounts Yes No No
Table 6-1. Root, User+, and User Privileges
After establishing a User Account with Root-level privileges, press Esc. Then highlight Save Changes
and press Enter (see below). The Switch will save any changes to its non-volatile ram and reboot. You
can logon again and are now ready to continue configuring the Switch.
Save Changes
The DES-3226 has two levels of memory; normal RAM and non-volatile or NV-RAM. Configuration
changes are made effective by highlighting APPLY and pressing Enter. When this is done, the settings
will be immediately applied to the switching software in RAM, and will immediately take effect.
Some settings, though, require you to restart the Switch before they will take effect. Restarting the
Switch erases all settings in RAM and reloads the stored settings from the NV-RAM. Thus, it is
necessary to save all setting changes to NV-RAM before rebooting the Switch.
To retain any configuration changes permanently, highlight Save Changes from the main menu.
Figure 6-5. Main menu
The following screen will appear to verify that your new settings have been saved to NV-RAM: