DES-3226 NWay Standalone Fast Ethernet Switch User’s Guide
3. Highlight APPLY and press Enter to make the deletion of the selected user take effect.
4. You must enter the configuration changes into the non-volatile ram (NV-RAM) using Save
Changes from the main menu if you want the configuration to be used after a switch reboot.
Only users with Root privileges can delete user accounts.
This section will help prepare the Switch user by describing the Remote Management Setup, Switch
Information, Configure Advanced Switch Features, Configure Ports, Bandwidth Configuration,
Configure Spanning Tree, Port Spanning Tree Settings, Setup Unicast Filtering Table, Setup
Static Multicast Filtering Table, IEEE 802.1Q VLANs Configuration, 802.1Q Static VLAN Settings,
Port VLAN assignment, Ingress Filter Settings, Port GVRP Settings, IGMP Snooping Settings, Port
LACP Trunking Settings, Setup Port Mirroring, Setup Threshold of Broadcast/Multicast/DA-
Unknown Storm, Port Security Settings, Configure Class of Service, Default Priority and Traffic
Class, Port GMRP Settings, Diffserv Settings, and PAE Configuration screens, all of which can be
found under the Configuration menu, along with various submenus.
Figure 6-10. Configuration menu
Configure IP Address
Some settings must be entered to allow the Switch to be managed from an SNMP-based Network
Management System such as SNMP v1 or to be able to access the Switch using the Telnet protocol.
The Remote Management Setup screen lets you specify how the Switch will be assigned an IP address
to allow the Switch to be identified on the network.
To setup the Switch for remote management, highlight Configure IP Address from the Configuration
menu. The following screen appears: