
Technical Data Technical Data
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Automatic Insertion with Cassette B1 and B2 (Option)
B1 B2 (using only as Cassette 1)
minimum maximum minimum maximum
Paper width: 105 mm 305 mm 105 mm 210 mm
(4.13") (12") (4.13") (8.26")
The minimum paper length for cassette B1 depends on the mounting position of
the cassette as the feeding path of the paper is the longest in the last mounted
cassette. Cassette B2 can only be used on first mounted position.
Paper Length minimum maximum minimum maximum
Cassette 1 105 mm 315 mm 104 mm 315 mm
(first mounted) (4.13") (12.4") (4.1") (12.4")
Cassette 2 200 mm 315 mm --- ---
(7.87") (12.4")
Cassette 3 290 mm 315 mm --- ---
(last mounted) (11.42") (12.4")
Paper weight
Cut sheets 100g/m² 150g/m² 150g/m² 250g/m²
(26 lb/ream) (40 lb/ream) (40 lb/ream) (67 lb/ream)
Appropriate direction of the fibre and flexibility for automatic feeding required.
Form sets of 300g/m² 300g/m²
action paper (80 lb/ream) (80 lb/ream)
weight of first/last page 70 / 80g/m² 70 / 80g/m²
(18/21 lb/ream) (18/21 lb/ream)
Total thickness of set 0.5mm 0.5mm
(0.02") (0.02")
Note: The form sets for cassette B1 or B2 must not have a horizontal
perforation or carbon paper; the top glued area must not have any
margins as required for cassette A.
Envelopes 70g/m² 90g/m² 70g/m² 90g/m²
unlined, (18 lb/ream) (24 lb/ream) (18 lb/ream) (24 lb/ream)
adhesive flap covered
- Capacity: 40 envelopes 65 pages of
of 70g/m² (18 lb/ream) paper weight 250 g/m
Standard PM functions with parallel and serial interface; Emulation of IBM 3270
printer like 3287, 3268, 4214 or 3262 with intelligent PC-Host sharing.
Standard PM functions with parallel and serial interface; Emulation of IBM
4214/2, 5256, 5224 or 5225 printer with intelligent PC-Host sharing for IBM
systems S/4, S/36, S/38 or AS/400.
Standard PM functions with parallel and Twinax interface for IBM 3812 and IBM
4224 Emulation and system connection for AS/400, S/38 and S/36. Supported
IPDS Towers: DC/1, PT/2, IM/1, OL/1, PS/1, DR/2, and BC/1.
PM Ethernet
Standard PM function with serial interface, allows direct attachment to Ethernet
LANs simultaneous operation of IPX/SPX under NOVEL Netware and TCP/ICP
under BSD-, System V-, and AIX V.3 UNIX Operating Systems is possible.
PM Token Ring
Standard PM function with serial interface, allows direct attachment to Token
Ring LANs simultaneous operation of IPX/SPX under NOVEL Netware and
TCP/ICP under BSD-, System V-, and AIX V.3 UNIX Operating Systems is
Standard PM functions with parallel and serial interface plus Printronix IGP
10/20/40 Emulation.
Standard PM functions with parallel and serial interface, DEC ANSI
LA 324 / LA 424, IBM 4207 Proprinter XL24 (AGM), and EPSON
® ®
LQ 1060/2550 Emulation.
Fonts: Draft, Roman, San Serif, Courier, Prestige, Script, OCR A,
OCR B, and Data Block.
DEC Character Sets: G0 Character Set; User Pref. Character Sets
IBM and EPSON Character sets are the same like PM SER/PAR