
13.3 Configuration of 16-bit I/O Timer
This section explains the pins, registers, and interrupt factors of the 16-bit I/O timer.
Pins of 16-bit I/O Timer
The pins of the 16-bit I/O timer serve as general-purpose I/O ports. Table 13.3-1 shows the pin functions
and the pin settings required to use the 16-bit I/O timer.
Generation of Interrupt Request from 16-bit I/O Timer
The 16-bit I/O timer can generate an interrupt request as a result of the following factors:
Timer counter overflow interrupt
If the overflow interrupt request is set to enable (TCCSL: IVFE=1), the interrupt is occurred by the
following factor:
16-bit free-run timer overflow
Input capture interrupt
If the input capture interrupt request is set to enable (ICS: ICE=1), if the trigger edge is detected by the
input capture pin, or if the trigger edge for the LIN slave baud rate measurement from the LIN-UART is
inputted, the interrupt request is generated.
Table 13.3-1 Pins of 16-bit I/O Timer
Channel Pin Name Pin Function Setting to use the pin
16-bit free-run timer 0 P44/
General-purpose I/O port,
external clock input
Set as input port in port direction register (DDR).
Input capture 0 P24/IN0 General-purpose I/O
port, capture input
Set as input port in port direction register (DDR).
Input capture 1 P25/IN1 Set as input port in port direction register (DDR).
Input capture 2 P26/IN2 Set as input port in port direction register (DDR).
Input capture 3 P27/IN3 Set as input port in port direction register (DDR).