
16.5 Explanation of Operation of 8-/16-bit PPG Timer
The 8-/16-bit PPG timer outputs a pulse width at any frequency and at any duty ratio
Operation of 8-/16-bit PPG Timer
Output operation of 8-/16-bit PPG timer
The 8-/16-bit PPG timer has two (Low-level and High-level) 8-bit reload registers (PRLLn/PRLHn and
PRLLm/PRLHm) for per channel.
The values set in the 8-bit reload registers (PRLLn/PRLHn and PRLLm/PRLHm) are reloaded
alternately to the PPG down counters (PCNTn and PCNTm).
After reloading the values in the PPG down counters, decrementing is performed in synchronization
with the count clocks set by the PPG count clock select bits (PPGnm: PCM2 to PCM0 and PCS2 to
If the values set in the reload registers are reloaded to the PPG down counters when an underflow
occurs, the pin output is inverted.
Figure 16.5-1 shows the output waveform of the 8-/16-bit PPG timer.
Figure 16.5-1 Output Waveform of 8-/16-bit PPG Timer
Operation modes of 8-/16-bit PPG timer
As long as the operation of the 8-/16-bit PPG timer is enabled (PPGCn: PEN0=1, PPGCm: PEN1=1), a
pulse waveform is outputted continuously from the PPG output pin. A pulse width of any frequency and
duty ratio can be set.
The pulse output of the 8-/16-bit PPG timer is not stopped until operation of the 8-/16-bit PPG timer is
stopped (PPGCn: PEN0=0, PPGCm: PEN1=0).
8-bit PPG output 2-channel independent operation mode
16-bit PPG output operation mode
8 + 8-bit PPG output operation mode
Note: n = C, E
m = n+1
T × (L + 1)
T × (H + 1)
Operating start Operating stop
PPG operating
enable bit (PEN)
PPG output pin
L : Value of PPG reload register (PRLL)
H : Value of PPG reload register (PRLH)
T : Count clock cycle