
Settings in B IOS Setup Utilit y
Exiting BIOS Setup Utility
You need to select the desired option in the Exit menu and activate it by pressing the Enter key:
Exit Saving Changes - save c hang
es and exit BIOS Setup Utility
To savethe currentmenu settingsand exitthe BIOSSetup Utility, selectExit Saving Changes and Yes.
The notebook is rebooted and the
new settings come into effect.
Exit Discarding Changes Discard changes and
exit BIOS Setup Utility
To discard the changes, select Exit Discarding Changes and Yes.
The settings in place when BIOS Setup Utility was called remain effective. BIOS
Setup Utility is terminated and the notebook is rebooted.
Load Setup Defaults Copy Sta
ndard Entries
To copy the standard entries for all menus of the BIOS Setup Utility,
choose Load Setup Defaults and Yes.
Discard Changes Discard changes without exiting
the B IOS Setup Utility
To discard the changes you have mad e, select Discard Changes and Yes.
The settings in place when BIOS Setup Utility was c alled remain effective.
You can now make additional settings in the BIOS Setup Utility.
IfyouwanttoexitBIOS Setup Utilitywith these settings, select Exit Saving Changes and Yes.
Save Changes - save chan ges without exiting
the B IOS Setup Utility
To save the c hanges, select Save Changes and Yes.
The changes are saved. You can now make additional settings in the BIOS Setup Utility.
If you want to exit BIO S Setup Utility with these settings, choose Exit Saving Changes and Yes.
Save Changes and Power Off
To save the changes and switch off your device, select Save Changes and Power Off and Yes.
The changes are saved. Your device is shut down.
98 Fujitsu Technology Solutions