
Working with the notebook
Use one nger to quickly stroke across the screen upw ards, downwards, left or right to
navigate through the docu m ent or to quickly page through the document.
Place your nger on an item on the screen and then move your nger without
removing it from the display; this will d rag the item to another position. You can
also use this movemen t to page slowly through documents.
Contracting and extending
Touch the screen at two edges of an area with two ngers spread apart, then slide the ngers
together to make the area smaller. Spread the ngers to make the area larger.
Touch two corners of a
picture on the screen, then turn the picture clockwise or
at the corners by using your ngers.
Enlarging a v ie w
Put two ngers on th
e touch screen
and mo ve them apart
36 Fujitsu Technology Solutions