Appendix A - Advanced Display Module (ADM)
114 3A2098H
Swirl X Screen
There is one Swirl X screen for each installed swirl dis-
penser. This screen displays the following items:
• Swirl Enable signal from the automation interface
• Speed command voltage from automation interface
• Actual and requested speed
• Active time and maintenance advisory limit
Job Report Screens
The job report screens store and display a chronological
list of 180 jobs performed by the system. Each job
record includes the date and time the job was com-
pleted; the style dispensed; the error percentage; and
the target, requested, and actual dispense volumes.
Press to scroll through each job report screen.
Event Report Screens
The event report screens display a chronological list of
system events. These screens display the last 200
events. Each event report screen displays the date,
time, event code, and description for each event.
Press to scroll through each event report
Error Report Screens
The error report screens display a chronological list of
system errors. These screens display the last 200
errors. Each error report screen displays the date, time,
error code, and description for each error. See Errors,
page 66, for more information on errors, a list of error
codes, and information on error troubleshooting.
Press to scroll through each error report