Appendix C - Communications Gateway Module (CGM) Connection Details
3A2098H 137
Units Definitions
Unit s String Definition
Command Value Source Enu-
0 - Display, 1 - Command Cable, 2 - Gateway
Dispense Control 1 Bitfield
Dispense Control 2 Bitfield Bit 14 - Error Reset, Bit 15 - Remote Start
Dispense Trigger Source Enu-
0 - Command Cable, 1 - Gateway, 2 - Combined, 3 - Command Cable 3x
Error Type Enumeration 1 0 - None, 1 - Alarm, 2 - Deviation
Error Type Enumeration 2 1 - Alarm, 2 - Deviation
Fault Error Code A 32-bit string in the format of 0xDDCCBBAA where 0xAA represents the most significant char-
acter in the string and 0xDD represents the least significant character in the string.
Flow Meter Type Enumeration 1 - Volume, 2 - Mass
Fluid Plate Status 0 Bitfield
Fluid Plate Status Bitfield
Job End Mode Enumeration 0 - Timer, 1 - Gateway
Maintenance Units Enumeration 0 - Volume, 1 - Mass, 2 - Time
Mass Units Enumeration 0 - lb, 1 - kg
Precharge Settings Type A 32 bit value in the format of 0xDDCCBBA:
0xA........Precharge mode enumeration: 0 - Display, 1 - Gateway, 2 - Valve 1
0xBBB...Precharge valve opening duration (ms)
0xCC.....Precharge scale - valve closed (%)
0xDD.....Precharge scale - valve opening (%)
Pressure Units Enumeration 0 - psi, 1 - bar, 2 - MPa
Rate Units Enumeration 0 - x/min, 1 - x/sec
sint32 A 32 bit positive or negative value
Speed Source Enumeration 0 - Display, 1 - Gateway
STR_X_Y A 32 bit value where X signifies which character in the string that the most significant byte rep-
resents and Y signifies which character in the string that the least significant byte represents.
Swirl Control Enumeration 0 - Swirl Enable
Swirl Enumeration 0 - None, 1 - Swirl 1, 2 - Swirl 2, 3 - Swirl 3, 4 - Swirl 4
Swirl Status Bitfield 1 0 - Swirl Active, 1 - Swirl Ready, 2 - Swirl Enabled
Tolerances Type A 32 bit value in the format of 0x0000BBAA where 0xAA represents the low tolerance (%) and
0xBB represents the high tolerance (%). A value of 0 means that tolerance is disabled.
Valve Mode Enumeration 0 - Pressure, 1 - Bead, 2 - Shot, 3 - Full Open
uint12 A 12 bit positive value
uint32 A 32 bit positive value
Version A 32 bit value in the format of 0x00CCBBAA where 0xAA represents the major version, 0xBB
represents the minor version and 0xCC represents the build version.
Volume Units Enumeration 0 - gal(US), 1 - gal(UK), 2 - Liters
Bit .........Function
0............Style Strobe
1............Dispense Complete
2............Valve 1 On
3............Valve 2 On
4............Valve 3 On
5............Valve 4 On
6............Error Reset
7............Remote Start/Purge
Bit .........Function
0............Dispenser Ready
1............Dispense No Alarm
2............Dispense No Error
3............Dispense In Process
4............Dispensed Volume OK
6............Dispenser Purge Request
7............Purge in Process/Remote
Start in Process
Bit .........Function
0-2.........Operation Mode (see Valve
Mode Enumeration)
3............Precharge Active
4............Valve 1 State
5............Valve 2 State
6............Valve 3 State
7............Valve 4 State
8............Ready to Dispense
9............In Job Cycle
10..........Job Cycle Complete
11 ......... Alarm Active
12 ......... Deviation Active
13 ......... Advisory Active
14 ......... Dispensing Disabled
15 ......... Fluid Plate Enabled
16 ......... Flowmeter Enabled
17 ......... Inlet Sensor Enabled
18 ......... Heated Plate
19 ......... Integrator Enabled
22 ......... Valve 1 Swirl Installed
23 ......... Valve 2 Swirl Installed
24 ......... Valve 3 Swirl Installed
25 ......... Valve 4 Swirl Installed
26 ......... Valve 1 Swirl Active
27 ......... Valve 2 Swirl Active
28 ......... Valve 3 Swirl Active
29 ......... Valve 4 Swirl Active
30 ......... Fault Reset
31 ......... Remote Start/Purge