62 3A2098H
NOTE: Check all possible solutions in the chart below
before you disassemble the system.
Troubleshooting for individual fluid regulators and flow
meters is also discussed in their separate manuals;
refer to Related Manuals on page 3. Also refer to Event
and Error Codes and Troubleshooting, page 67, for
detailed information on how error codes are communi-
Fluid Plates
Problem Cause Solution
No outlet pressure Air pressure low Verify air pressure is above 60 psi
(410 kPa, 4.1 bar)
No “Valve On” signal from automation
Check output and wiring from auto-
mation unit
No air signal to air diaphragm Check for loose/disconnected con-
nector to Voltage to Pressure (V/P)
Transducer; tighten
False signal being sent to control Check outlet pressure sensor output;
verify that it corresponds to zero
pressure; replace sensor and/or
High outlet pressure Fluid regulator needle/seat is worn Rebuild fluid regulator; replace nee-
dle/ seat
Air leaks from fluid plate Loose air connections Check air connections; tighten if nec-
Worn gaskets Check/replace gaskets on Voltage to
Pressure (V/P) Transducer and sole-
noid valve