Section Header Description
Because block data may contain multiple sections, this description numbers
bytes beginning at the section header. The initial 10 bytes of the block length
specifier and any other sections are not included in the numbering.
The section header uses bytes 1 through 16 (this manual begins counting at
1; there is no byte 0). The 16 bytes of the section header are as follows:
Byte Position
1 10 bytes - Section name ("
DATA space space space space space
" in ASCII for the DATA instruction).
11 1 byte - Reserved
12 1 byte - Module ID (34 decimal for the HP 16554A and HP 16555A/D master
boards, and 35 for expander boards)
13 4 bytes - Length of block in bytes that when converted to decimal, specifies
the number of bytes contained in the data block.
Section Data
For the SYSTem:DATA query when DBLock mode is UNPacked, the
<section data> parameter consists of two parts: the data preamble and the
acquisition data. These are described in the following two sections.
When DBLock mode is set to PACKed, the format is highly configuration
dependent. Because of the complexity and because it may be changed
without notice, it is not described here.
Use UNPacked format for data you wish to post-process, and PACKed data
for measurements you may want to load back into the analyzer module later.
DATA and SETup Commands
Section Header Description