WIDTh, 15–8
WLISt, 2–7, 4–4
XCONdition, 13–26, 14–19
XMARker, 16–15
XPATtern, 7–20, 13–27, 14–20
XSEarch, 7–21, 13–28, 14–21
XTAG, 7–22, 14–23
XTIMe, 4–14, 13–29
command set organization, 1–8 to 1–11
compare full, 10–10
compare partial, 10–10
COMPare selector, 10–4
COMPare subsystem, 10–1, 10–3 to 10–12
complex expression, 12–10
complex qualifier, 6–10, 12–11
configuration menu, 3–2
COPY command, 10–6
count states, 6–17
count time, 6–17
DATA, 17–4
State 17–11 to 17–12
DATA and SETup Commands, 17–1,
17–3 to 17–14
data block
analyzer 1 data, 17–7
analyzer 2 data, 17–9
data preamble, 17–7
section data, 17–6
section header, 17–6
DATA command/query, 10–6 to 10–7
data preamble, 17–7 to 17–10
DATA query, 7–9, 14–9
DBLock selector, 2–5
DELay command/query, 4–5, 8–7, 13–10
delete symbols, 15–8
demux clock, 5–6, 5–15
difference listing, 10–9
display, 8–6, 8–9, 9–5, 10–9, 13–10,
14–7, 14–9
deleting waveforms, 13–20
EDGE command/query, 12–13
else branch, 6–9
else on, 12–9
entering, 14–11
examples, 16–8
program, 1–4, 10–7, 10–10, 18-1 to 18-6
exiting, 14–11
FIND command/query, 6–12,
12–14 to 12–15
find error, 10–8
FIND query, 10–8
from Start/Trigger, 13–28, 14–21
from Start/Trigger/X marker, 13–17, 14–13
full channel mode, 11–5
half channel mode, 11–5
HAXis command/query, 9–5
HIGH command/query, 16–9
HISTogram:HSTatistic query, 16–16
HISTogram:LABel command/query, 16–17
HISTogram:OTHer command/query, 16–18
HISTogram:QUALifier command/query,
HISTogram:RANGe command/query, 16–20
HISTogram:TTYPe command/query, 16–21
HSTatistic query, 16–16
INSert command, 4–6, 8–8, 13–11
interleave, 7–15
INTermodule Subsystem, 1–7
internal clock, 12–19
label, 5–13
LABel command/query, 5–7 to 5–8, 11–6,
16–10, 16–17
LEVelarm command/query, 3–7
LINE command/query, 4–7, 7–9, 10–9, 14–9
listing menu, 7–2
LOW command/query, 16–11
MACHine selector, 2–6, 3–4
MACHine subsystem, 3–1, 3–3 to 3–11
markers, 4–2, 7–8, 7–10, 7–17, 13–21,
14–8, 14–10, 14–17 to 14–20, 16–14
Chart, 9–2
O, 4–9, 7–11 to 7–12, 13–15 to 13–16,
13–17, 14–11, 14–14, 16–13
occurrence, 7–14, 7–22
pattern, 8–6, 13–15, 14–12, 14–19
searching, 7–21
setting type, 13–14
statistics, 7–17 to 7–18, 8–7, 13–23 to
waveform, 8–2
X, 7–20, 7–22, 13–26 to 13–29, 14–20,
14–22 to 14–23, 16–15
X-O, 13–26
mask bits, 10–5
master clock, 5–6
MASTer command/query, 5–9
maximum time, 13–23, 14–17
measurement complete program example,
memory depth, 8–8, 12–16, 13–12
MENU, 1–6
MENU command, 10–9
MESE command/query, 1–13
MESR query, 1–15
minimum time, 13–24, 14–18
MINus command, 4–8, 13–13
mixed mode, 4–2
MLENgth command/query, 6–13, 8–8,
12–16, 13–12, 16–12
MMEMory Subsystem, 1–7
MMODe command/query, 7–10, 13–14,
MODE command/query, 5–10, 16–7
module level commands, 2–1, 2–3 to 2–7
module status reporting, 1–12
MOPQual command/query, 5–11
most significant bit, 17–3
MQUal command/query, 5–12
NAME command/query, 3–8
number of runs, 13–25, 14–18
number of samples, 16–25