Example A three-card configuration with 516096 valid rows
First data byte = byte 591
Last data byte = 14,451,278 [591 + (28 × 516096) - 1]
Time Tag Data Description
If tags are enabled for one or both analyzers, the tag data follows the
acquisition data. The first byte of the tag data is determined as follows:
591 + (bytes per row × maximum number of valid rows)
Each row of the tag data array consists of one (single analyzer with state
tags) or two (both analyzers with state tags) eight-byte tag values per row.
When both analyzers have state tags enabled, the first tag value in a row
belongs to Machine 1 and the second tag value belongs to Machine 2.
If the tag value is a time tag, the number is an integer representing time in
picoseconds. If the tag value is a state tag, the number is an integer state
The total size of the tag array is 8 or 16 bytes per row times the greatest
number of valid rows.
Command :SYStem:SETup <block data>
The SYStem:SETup command configures the logic analyzer module as
defined by the block data sent by the controller. It is not affected by DBLock.
There are three data sections which are always returned. The strings which
are included in the section header are:
DATA and SETup Commands
Time Tag Data Description