OCONdition command/query, 13–15, 14–11
offset, 4–5
OMARker command/query, 16–13
OPATtern command/query, 7–11, 13–16,
OR’d trigger, 3–5
OSEarch command/query, 7–12, 13–17,
OSTate query, 4–9, 7–13, 14–14
OTAG command/query, 7–14, 14–14
OTHer command/query, 16–18
OTIMe command/query, 4–9, 13–18
OVERlay command/query, 4–10, 7–15
OVERView:BUCKet query, 16–8
OVERView:HIGH command/query, 16–9
OVERView:LABel command/query, 16–10
OVERView:LOW command/query, 16–11
OVERview:MLENgth command/query,
OVERView:OMARker command/query,
OVERView:OVSTatistic query, 16–14
OVERView:XMARker command/query,
OVSTatistic query, 16–14
PATTern command, 15–6
pattern markers, 7–8, 7–10 to 7–11, 8–6,
13–14, 13–26 to 13–27, 14–10 to 14–12
PLUS command, 4–11, 13–19
pod clock, 5–7
poststore, 8–11
preamble description, 17–7
prestore, 8–11
program examples
checking for measurement complete,
sending queries to the logic analyzer,
state analyzer, 18–5
state compare, 18–9
SYSTem:SETup command, 18–14
SYSTem:SETup query, 18–14
timing analyzer, 18–3
transferring configuration to analyzer,
transferring configuration to the
controller, 18–14
QUALifier command/query, 16–19, 16–23
ACCumulate, 8–5, 9–4, 13–8
ACQMode, 11–5
ACQuisition, 6–8, 12–9, 13–8
ARM, 3–5
ASSign, 3–6
BRANch, 6–10, 12–11
BUCKet, 16–8
CARDcage, 1–5
CLOCk, 5–7
CMASk, 10–5
COLumn, 7–8, 14–8
DATA, 7–9, 10–7, 14–9, 17–5
DELay, 4–5, 8–7, 13–10
EDGE, 12–14
ERRor, 1–7
FIND, 6–13, 10–8, 12–15
HAXis, 9–6
HIGH, 16–9
HISTogram:HSTatistic, 16–16
HISTogram:LABel, 16–17
HISTogram:OTHer, 16–18
HISTogram:QUALifier, 16–19
HISTogram:RANGe, 16–20
HISTogram:TTYPe, 16–21
HSTatistic, 16–16
LABel, 5–8, 11–7, 16–10, 16–17
LEVelarm, 3–7
LINE, 4–8, 7–10, 10–9, 14–10
LOW, 16–11
MASTer, 5–9
MENU, 1–6
MESE, 1–13
MESR, 1–15
MLENgth, 6–13, 8–9, 12–16, 13–13, 16–12
MMODe, 7–11, 13–14, 14–10
MODE, 5–10, 16–7
MOPQual, 5–11
MQUal, 5–12
NAME, 3–8
OCONdition, 13–15, 14–11
OMARker, 16–13
OPATtern, 7–12, 13–16, 14–12
OSEarch, 7–13, 13–17, 14–13
OSTate, 4–9, 7–13, 14–14
OTAG, 7–14, 14–15
OTHer, 16–18
OTIMe, 4–10, 13–18
OVERView:BUCKet, 16–8
OVERView:HIGH, 16–9
OVERView:LABel, 16–10
OVERView:LOW, 16–11
OVERview:MLENgth, 16–12
OVERView:OMARker, 16–13
OVERView:OVSTatistic, 16–14
OVERView:XMARker, 16–15
OVSTatistic, 16–14
PRINt, 1–7
QUALifier, 16–19, 16–23
RANGe, 4–12, 6–15, 8–9, 10–10, 12–17,
13–20, 16–20
REName, 3–9
RESource, 3–10
RMODe, 1–7
RUNTil, 7–16, 10–12, 13–21, 14–16
SEQuence, 6–15, 12–18
SETup, 17–14
SLAVe, 5–15
SOPQual, 5–16
SPERiod, 12–19, 13–22
SQUal, 5–17
STORe, 6–16
SYSTem:DATA, 17–5
SYSTem:ERRor, 1–7
SYSTem:PRINt, 1–7
SYStem:SETup, 17–14
TAG, 6–17
TAKenbranch, 6–18, 8–10
TAVerage, 7–17, 13–23, 14–17
TCONtrol, 6–19, 12–20
TERM, 6–21, 12–22
THReshold, 5–18, 11–8
TIMER, 6–21, 12–22
TINTerval:QUALifier, 16–23
TINTerval:TINTerval, 16–24
TINTerval:TSTatistic, 16–25
TMAXimum, 7–17, 13–23, 14–17
TMINimum, 7–18, 13–24, 14–18
TPOSition, 6–22, 8–11, 12–23, 13–25